Some year-end updates from TPP Alberta

New name, same program
Formally known as the Triplicate Prescription Program, TPP Alberta became the Tracked Prescription Program (TPP) of Alberta earlier this year. While this new name better reflects the current state of the program, the program’s core purpose remains the same: to optimize safe patient care through the use of current, educational data.

A new-and-improved online experience
To provide easier access to important information, TPP Alberta now has a standalone website. Visit to find monitored medication lists, TPP registration, pad ordering, forgery reporting, TPP publications and resources, pad safety information, and FAQs for prescribers, dispensers and the public.

Changes to your secure TPP pad
When you receive your next TPP pad, you may notice the following updates:

  • A redesigned cover page with the new program name, website and updated logo.

  • Monitored drug lists have been removed and the most up-to-date list of monitored medications can be found at

  • The re-order form is no longer included—prescribers can use the online form to order TPP pads.

  • The form’s header has been updated with the new logo and revised wording.

  • There is a revised ‘Prescriber Tips’ section.

  • Other pad features, including duplicate design and security features such as heat-sensitive ink and micro-text, remain unchanged.

The new pads should be in circulation before the end of this year, depending on order volumes. Please be sure to use your current supply of pads before re-ordering.

Deadline to order TPP pads for 2021
All pad orders must be submitted online by Sunday, Dec. 12, to ensure they are securely and successfully delivered before our offices close for the holidays. TPP pad orders received after Dec. 12 will be processed in early January. CPSA will close for the holidays on Dec. 24 at noon and re-open on Jan. 4, 2022 at 8:15 a.m. Program staff will be unavailable for inquiries during this time.

New TPP Alberta Atlases now available
For an overview of monitored medications and how they were prescribed and dispensed across the province in 2020, review the newly-released TPP Alberta's 2020 Opioid & Benzodiazepine Atlas.

Also available, the 2020 TPP Antibiotics Atlas, highlighting provincial use of antibiotics.

Questions? Need some prescribing support before the year ends?


Exemptions extended for prescribing and provision of controlled substances


Re-order your TPP Alberta prescription pad online